Asian Electronics Dot Matrix LED Displays are designed as low current operation and standard brightness products. Asian Electronics Dot Matrix LED Displays are X-Y stackable and easy mounting on PCB with excellent character appearance. Asian Electronics Dot Matrix LED Displays have a choice of various colors and the character size are available.
Applications of 8×8 dot matrix led display (2.3 inch)
- Industrial Controls
- Medical Equipment
- Communications Equipment
- Test and Measurement Equipment
- Security Electronics
- Life Safety Equipment
- Large Panel Indicators
- Meter Displays
- Information displays
Features of 8×8 dot matrix led display (2.3 inch)
- 8 * 8 dot matrix common cathode
- A wide range of single LED colors is available, as well as RGB
- Standard and high-brightness chips
- Intensity grading available
- Face and segment colors in gray and milky white
- Custom sizes available
- High Brightness and High Contrast
- Excellent DOT Uniformity
- Fast Heat Dissipation
- Stackable Horizontally
- Standard Brightness
- Low Current Operation
- Low power consumption.
- Wide Viewing Angle
- Various Colours
Available Colors of 8×8 dot matrix led display (2.3 inch)
- Red, Green, Pure Green, Blue, White, Amber
- Duel Colour
- Red and Green , Red and Pure Green
- Tricolor